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Viewgod don't make lonely girlsGuitarChordwww.guitartabs.cc123036
Viewletters from the wastelandGuitarChordwww.guitartabs.cc123037
Viewletters from the wastelandGuitarTabwww.guitartabs.cc123038
Viewletters from the wastelandGuitarTabwww.guitartabs.cc123039
Vieweverybody out of the waterGuitarChordwww.guitartabs.cc123040
Viewsee you when i get thereGuitarChordwww.guitartabs.cc123041
Viewfeels like summer againGuitarChordwww.guitartabs.cc123042
Viewfeels like summer againGuitarChordwww.guitartabs.cc123043