Artist: Fear Factory
Song: "Martyr"
Album: "Soul of A New Machine"
Label: Roadrunner Records, copyright 1992, (The All-Blacks B.V.)
Dry Lung Vocal Martyr: Burton C. Bell
All Discordant Guitars & Bass, Hardware, Utilities: Dino Cazares
Dicordant Bass: Andrew Shives
Variable Percussive Wrecking: Raymond Herrera
Thanks a lot to Yani and Ray for giving me the opportunity to do this.
My name is Dimitrije Kostic and any questions about this tab or any
others in the Fear Factory Tablature Archive can be emailed to me at
[email protected]
I will gladly investigate any possible errors in any tablature on this site.
"Martyr" is the hard-hitting opening song on Soul of A New Machine and
it (for me) sets the tone of the rest of the album. It is my favorite
song on this album.
For the most part, the song is not extremely difficult. It has it's
tricky parts but for the most part, a decent sense of rhythm should
navigate you through the song. Enjoy!
Tune all strings down a perfect fourth (B, E, A, D)
H -- hit-on
P -- pull-off
~~~~ -- vibrato
A.H. -- Artificial Harmonic
N.H. -- Natural Harmonic
/ -- slide up
\ -- slide down
moderate speed
Intro: Song kicks right in...
Riff A
Riff B
Riff C
Riff D
Note: the number of pick strokes here is sort of
arbitrary, but I made my best guess as to how
many there are actually there; just pick each
note for an appropriate length of time.
Riff E
In each of the two spaces, Raymond hits the hi-hat
three times
Riff F
Riff G
Again, in each of the two spaces, Raymond hits the
hi-hat while Burton sings "Suffer...bastard..."
Riff H
Riff I
Song Structure
Riff A 2 times
Riff B 1 time
Then, silence while Burton does the first four lines of the verse
Riff C 4 times
Riff D 4 times
Riff C 4 times
Riff D 4 times
Riff E 1 time
Riff F 5 times
Riff G 2 times
Riff F 5 times
Riff A 2 times
Riff B 1 time
Then, silence while Burton does the first four lines of the verse
Riff C 4 times
Riff D 4 times
Riff H 1 time
Riff D 4 times
Riff I 1 time and end abruptly.