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black sabbath  - symptom of the universe

click on artist name to see more tabs/chords
Guitar6String  Tabwww.guitartabs.cc2012/01/27 23:30:23

positive that this if the absolute right tab for symptom of the universe,
i got it from a tony iommi site.
[ Tab from: ]
|--- x8 |--- x2 |------ x1  |---------- x2
|---    |---    |------     |----------
|---    |---    |-7----     |-2--------
|---    |-6-    |-5--6-     |-0--3--2--
|-5-    |-4-    |----4-     |----1--0--
|-3-    |---    |------     |----------

and that's about it, any questions, e-mail me at [email protected]